Recurrent Cancer There is no standard therapy for recurrent brain stem glioma. These children cannot have surgery, have already received maximum radiation therapy , and there are no standard chemotherapy drugs that have significant results. They should be entered in a Phase I or Phase II clinical drug trial. Cerebral Astrocytoma Low Grade These tumors may sometimes be completely removed surgically, in which case they have a favorable prognosis . These tumors spread by extension to the adjacent brain and sometimes occur in multiple sites. Standard Treatment The treatment for low-grade supratentorial astrocytoma is surgery. If the tumor cannot be completely removed, radiotherapy is given after the operation. In some centers, radiotherapy is withheld until progression of disease is shown. The role of chemotherapy is not defined but initial results are promising. Five-Year Survival 50 to 80 percent Recurrent Cancer Patients may benefit from chemotherapy if tumors recur after maximum surgery and radiation therapy. No standard agents have a high degree of response, although cyclophosphamide , cisplatin and the nitrosoureas may be useful. Carboplatin has shown promise. Consideration should be given to clinical trials .